September 29, 2025 to October 1, 2025
Harnack-Haus Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Membranes form the intricately shaped compartments of life. The Biomembrane Days are a triannual workshop that highlights recent advances in understanding the morphology and molecular organization of biomimetic and biological membranes. Central topics of the Biomembrane Days 2025 include the dynamics and interactions of cells and cellular organelles, giant vesicles as synthetic cell systems, and active cellular processes. 

Invited Speakers

Patricia Bassereau, Curie Institute, France
Markus Deserno, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Omer Dushek, University of Oxford, UK
Jay Groves, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Alf Honigmann, Technical University Dresden, Germany
Michael Kozlov, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Ilya Levental, University of Virginia, USA
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus, USA
Reinhard Lipowsky, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany
Roderick MacKinnon, Rockefeller University, USA
Georg Pabst, University of Graz, Austria
Ewa Paluch, University of Cambridge, UK
Padmini Rangamani, University of California, USA
Erdinc Sezgin, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Zheng Shi, Rutgers University, USA
Jeanne Stachowiak, University of Texas, USA
Petra Schwille, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany
Roland Wedlich-Söldner, University of Münster, Germany


Scientific organizers:
Rumiana Dimova, MPI of Colloids and Interfaces
Helge Ewers, Free University of Berlin
Thomas Weikl, MPI of Colloids and Interfaces

Conference office: Manuela Gibson, Free University of Berlin; Rafaela Keller, MPI of Colloids and Interfaces
Organizational support: Roy Pfitzner, MPI of Colloids and Interfaces
Administrational support: Sandra Burgmeier, MPI of Colloids and Interfaces


The conference is supported by Ernst Rudolf Schloeßmann Foundation  •  DFG, German Research Foundation • Lipotype GmbH • Nanion Technologies GmbH

Ernst Rudolf Schloeßmann
DFN Nanion


Harnack-Haus Berlin
Ihnestrasse 16-20, 14195 Berlin
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